In March 2024, Rewiring Aotearoa released a new study titled “Electric Homes – Rewiring Aotearoa,” focusing on the biggest opportunities presented by electrifying New Zealand’s homes and vehicles. This report explores three fundamental questions:...
In an age where renewable energy is not just a choice but a necessity, the question on many minds is, “Can solar power save you money?” At Vital Solar, we believe in providing our clients with detailed insights to make informed decisions. Let’s delve into...
At Vital Solar, we understand the importance of a long-term investment in solar technology. Our commitment to providing top-quality SunPower P6 410W panels is rooted in our understanding of the nuances of solar panel lifespan and maintenance. This guide is designed to...
New Zealand is seeing a big increase in the use of home solar power systems because the country is focused on sustainable living and saving energy. Solar power systems use the sun’s energy to provide clean and renewable power, which helps reduce carbon emissions...
Assessing Your Energy Consumption Before making any changes, it’s crucial to understand your current energy usage. Review your energy bills and consider a home energy audit. This audit will reveal areas where you’re losing energy and suggest where...
At Vital Solar, our expertise lies in harnessing the power of solar energy through top-quality solar panels and ensuring the utmost safety with our solar battery choices. One of our premier selections is the Enphase IQ5P battery, renowned for its safety features and...